Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock - Institut für Schauspiel
The academy was founded in 1994. A long tradition is hidden behind the seemingly young face. An academy of Music Theater and Dance was established under the guidance of the composer Rudolf Wagner-Régeny. Later it became an outward extension of the Berlin Academy "Hanns Eisler"
The Rostock Institute of Theater looks back at a 30year old history. In 1968 established as the "Rostocker Schauspielschule" it succeeded to be connected to the Berlin Theater Academy named "Ernst Busch".
With the founding of the HMT in 1994 an independent Art Academy was established.
The Institute of Theater broadened its course offerings by adding a spezialisation in "Darstellendes Spiel" designed for students who want to become teachers in different subjects.
Today the HMT is a most popular place to study for students across all of Europe. About 500 students from 38 different countries complete their art education here every year. The HMT is member of the Association of Baltic Academies of Music, called ABAM, founded in Rostock in 1995.
During the last decade the HMT has become a well established cultural center: With about 250 performances yearly teachers as well as students expose themselves to a most critical public.
The Institute for Acting provides a 4 year well balanced training program as well as a teacher training specialisation maximally 9 semesters in so called "Drama in Education" . Besides theory of theater students complete a training in educational practices, including intercultural and multidisciplinary projects. For instance, since 2005 our drama students participates in a multicultural project named "Luz que anda". Furthermore, in close cooperation with the department of special education students research the use of theatre and play to help students with autism spectrum disorders.
In 2008 the yearly meeting of German speaking acting students took place in Rostock.
A high light in the further development of the Drama in Education-program "Darstellendes Spiel" will be the hosting of a conference titled "Drama and Education for Children and Adolescents at risk" This event is organized in close collaboration with the department of special education at the university Rostock and will take place in conjunction with the annual meeting of the IDEA, which will also be held Rostock.
HMT Rostock
Beim St.-Katharinenstift 8
18055 Rostock
Tel: +49381-51080
Fax: +49381-5108101
E-Mail: hmt[at]hmt-rostock.de